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Infrared Temperature Transmitter with USB/MODBUS

OS150A-2USB Series

Short wavelength IR temperature transmitter | OS150A-2USB Series

Short wavelength IR temperature transmitter

554,50 OS251A-2USB-MT

  • Short-Wavelength Measurement for High Temperature Targets Such as Ferrous Metals
  • PC configuration, real-time display, charting and CSV text file logging of measured values via free software and supplied USB cable
  • Features Max, Min, Average and Instantaneous Readings; Peak or Valley Hold; Reflected Energy Compensation
  • MODBUS over USB for use with Other Software or Devices
  • Temperature Ranges from 45 to 2000°C
  • Emissivity: 0.1 to 1.0
  • Stainless Steel Housing, Sealed to IP65
  • Field of View: 15:1, 25:1, 75:1 or Close Focus
  • Optional Air/Water Cooled Housing, Air Purge Collar, Laser Sighting Tool and Mounting Brackets
Instrumentos de medición de temperatura infrarroja - Ver productos relacionados


Please note this series has been upgraded to the new A models which are dimensionally different to the previous models. See dimension drawing below

The OSxx1A-2USB series of infrared pyrometers measure temperatures from 45 to 2000°C (113 to 3632ºF) accurately and consistently, with an outstanding response time of 200 ms. The sensors will operate with the 4 to 20 mA, 2-wire output connected (loop powered), the USB cable connected, or both. No external power supply is required when using just the USB output.

The free OmegaConfig software is a simple application for configuration, real-time display, charting and CSV text file logging of measured values via the USB cable supplied. User configuration settings include 4-20mA output scale, emissivity, averaging, peak/valley and reflected energy compensation. MODBUS over USB communication also allows configuration and reading of measured data by other compatible applications or user written software. The USB cable has an IP65 connector at the sensor end. An IP65 cap protects the sensor when the USB cable is not connected.

Temperature Range:

    LT: 45* to 300°C (OS151A only)
    MT: 250 to 1000°C
    HT: 450 to 2000°C
    15:1 OS151A
    25:1 OS251A
    75:1 OS751A
    7.5 mm Ø at 500 mm OS801A
Output: 2-wire 4 to 20 mA user scalable
Configuration: Via PC port conforming to USB 2.0
Accuracy*: ±1% of reading or ±2°C, whichever is greater
Repeatability*: ±0.5% of reading or ±0.5°C, whichever is greater
* Emissivity = 1.0, object temperature > sensor temperature + 20°C
Emissivity Setting: 0.1 to 1.0
Response Time, t90: 200 ms (90% response)
Spectral Range: 2.2 µm
Supply Voltage: 24 Vdc (28 Vdc max)
Sensor Voltage: 6 Vdc min
Max Loop Impedance: 900 Ω at 24 Vdc
Maximum Span: Full temperature range.
Minimum Span: 100°C
Mechanical Construction: Stainless Steel
Dimensions: 27.6 D x 61 mm L including cable glands.
Thread Mounting: M20 x 1 mm pitch
Weight with Output Cable: 155 g
Output Cable Length: 1 m
USB Cable Length: 1.8 m
Environmental Rating: IP65
Ambient Temperature: 0 to 70°C
Relative Humidity: 95% max non-condensing
    Baud Rate:
    Format (bits): 8 data, no parity, 1 stop
    Reply Delay: 20 mS
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infrared pyrometer 45 to 300 degC, 15:1 Optics
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infrared pyrometer, 450 to 2000 degC, 25:1 Optics
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infrared pyrometer, 250 to 1000 degC, 75:1 Optics
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infrared pyrometer, 450 to 2000 degC, 75:1 Optics
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infrared pyrometer, 250 to 1000 degC, Close-focus (7.5 mm dia. measurement spot at 500 mm distance) optics
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infrared pyrometer, 450 to 2000 degC, Close-focus (7.5 mm dia. measurement spot at 500 mm distance) optics
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Consult Sales  
DIN rail mount 24Vdc power supply. 15W, 0.63 Amp, 25mm wide. Powered by 85 to 260 Vac, 47 to 63 Hz

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Todos los precios se muestran en EUR
Notas: Add suffix, -WC for Air/water cooled jacket (includes air purge collar)
Add suffix -2.2CE(*) for Cable extended, for uncooled IR USB series, 30 m max total cable length. * 1 m cable is included as standard on every sensor. Extended cable is added to that length, add suffix to model number. Insert cable length in metres.
Comes complete with sensor head, 1 m cable, USB cable and operator’s manual. Software available for Free download.
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