Serie FTB790
Caudalímetros de turbina Serie FTB790
Caudalímetros de turbina con indicador de caudal y total
Precisión de lectura de hasta el 1%
Pantalla de 6 dígitos
Capacidades de salida de señal
(Campo seleccionable)
Funciona con batería (incluida)
Modelos PVDF (FTB890) o PVC (FTB690) también disponibles
Medidores de agua - Ver productos relacionados
FTB790 Series Intrinsically Safe Turbine Meters with microprocessor-based electronics offers a durable, compact, high-precision fluid measurement device, with total and rate indication. Information is clearly displayed on a large 6-digit liquid crystal display with only 2-point floating decimal for totals from 0.01 to 999,999. All operations are easily performed with only 2 buttons.
The basic unit and display are powered by 2 AAA Alkaline batteries, providing up to 2 years of use. Cumulative total, batch total, and rate of flow are standard. A single-point field calibration curve can be stored in memory.
Manuales del productos:
FTB790 - FTB790 Series Turbine, Totalizer, Rate Meter
FTB790-RK - Remote Kit for FTB790 Series
FTB790-RK-FM - Remote Kit for FM approved units
FLSC790-MA - 4-20ma Module for FTB790 Series
FLSC790-ND-P - Puls Module for no display units
FLSC790-P - Pulse Module for FTB790 Series
FLSC790-P-DC - Pulse Module for DC Units